Worship Service
St. Michael's Ukrainian Orthodox Church 12104-129 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB, CanadaHOLY WEEK / RESURRECTION SERVICES Great & Holy Thursday, April 17th 6 p.m. {Passion Gospels} We welcome everyone to Worship with Us.
HOLY WEEK / RESURRECTION SERVICES Great & Holy Thursday, April 17th 6 p.m. {Passion Gospels} We welcome everyone to Worship with Us.
HOLY WEEK / RESURRECTION SERVICES Great & Holy Friday, April 18th 5:30 p.m. {Procession of the Shroud / Holy Epitphios} We welcome everyone.
HOLY WEEK / RESURRECTION SERVICES Great & Holy Saturday, Bringing of the Shroud into the Altar and The Blessing of Easter Baskets. The Blessing of Easter Baskets will be offered Saturday, April 19 @ 3:00 p.m. and Sunday, April 20 following the Easter Liturgy. Everyone is Welcome to Attend
HOLY WEEK / RESURRECTION SERVICES Easter Sunday, April 20th – The Bright and Glorious Resurrection of our Lord Saviour Jesus Christ (PASCHA) ➢ Pascha Liturgy & Blessing of Easter Baskets, 8 a.m. Epistle: Acts1:1-8 Gospel: John 1-1-17 We welcome everyone. Христос Воскрес - Christ is Risen
We invite everyone to worship with us. 2nd Sunday After Easter – St. Thomas– Liturgy, 10 a.m. ➢ Easter Brunch to follow
We welcome everyone to join us for a delicious Easter Brunch following Liturgy, served in our Parish Hall. Details to be posted on our website: https://uocc-stmichael.ca/category/events/
Graveside Services (Provody) will be conducted as outlined below April 27th—Edmonton Cemetery, 3 p.m Graveside Services (Provody) April 27th—Edmonton Cemetery, 3 p.m. May 4th—Beechmont Cemetery, 2 p.m. May 11th—St. Michael’s Cemetery, 2 p.m. May 18th –Evergreen Cemetery, 2 p.m. May 25th—St. Stephan’s Cemetery, 2 p.m. Private arrangements may
Graveside Services (Provody) will be conducted as outlined below May 4th—Beechmont Cemetery, 2 p.m. Graveside Services (Provody) May 4th—Beechmont Cemetery, 2 p.m. May 11th—St. Michael’s Cemetery, 2 p.m. May 18th –Evergreen Cemetery, 2 p.m. May 25th—St. Stephan’s Cemetery, 2 p.m. Private arrangements may be made for dates outside the
Everyone is Welcome. Sunday of the Paralytic, Liturgy, 10 a.m. (Mother’s Day) We invite you to join us in the Parish Hall for a coffee & light lunch following the Liturgy.
Graveside Services (Provody) will be conducted as outlined below May 11th—St. Michael’s Cemetery, 2 p.m. Graveside Services (Provody) May 11th—St. Michael’s Cemetery, 2 p.m. May 18th –Evergreen Cemetery, 2 p.m. May 25th—St. Stephan’s Cemetery, 2 p.m. Private arrangements may be made for dates outside the Sunday scheduled by contacting Fr.